Genetic Markers for Anesthesia-induced Neurotoxicity
anesthesia, anesthesia-induced neurotoxicity, genetic and anesthesiaAbstract
This comprehensive review article delves into the intricate genetic basis of individual variability in anesthesia sensitivity and the associated neurotoxic effects of specific anesthetics. Investigating the interplay between genetic factors and neurotoxic responses, we explore key aspects shaping the landscape of personalized anesthesia care. The article meticulously outlines the diverse neurotoxic effects of certain anesthetics, shedding light on their implications for cognitive function and neurodevelopment. Through an in-depth analysis of gene variants linked to these neurotoxic responses, such as those within the APOE and BDNF, the review synthesizes current research findings to provide a holistic understanding of the intricate relationship between genetics and anesthesia-induced neurotoxicity. By bridging gaps in knowledge, this article aims to pave the way for future investigations and innovations in personalized anesthesia strategies, optimizing patient outcomes and minimizing potential risks.
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