Y-Short Tandem Repeats (Y-STRs) in Fulanis and Yorubas of Ilorin, Kwara State and North Central of Nigeria
Human Genetics, Y-STRs, Population genetics, Gene diversity, GenealogyAbstract
Introduction: Y-Short Tandem Repeats (Y-STRs) are used in evaluation of male genetic diversity and genealogical studies. Nigeria is comprised of over 250 ethnic groups. The Yorubas and Fulanis are arguably the second and fourth largest ethnic groups of Nigeria respectively. No previous study examined Y-STRs in Fulanis resident in any region of Nigeria, and no previous studies examined Y-STRs in Yorubas resident in North Central of Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined the genotyping data of Y-STRs in Fulanis and Yorubas resident in Ilorin, Kwara State and North Central of Nigeria. Methods: Samples of unrelated 25 Fulani males and 25 Yoruba males whose ethnicity were confirmed by three generations (paternal and maternal) were collected with informed consent. The samples were amplified using UniQ-Typer™ Y10-STR prototype genotyping kit, which was previously tested on South-African populations. The genotyping kit contains 10 Y-STR loci: DYS385a/b, DYS449, DYS447, DYS481, DYS504, DYS518, DYS612, DYS626, DYS644 and DYS710; and genotyped subsequent to capillary electrophoresis. Results: Genotyping parameters showed no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectation. Nine of the Ten Y-STR loci were polymorphic except DYS626 with no alleles. Homozygosity, Expected Heterozygosity and gene diversity parameters showed lower genetic diversity amongst Fulanis compared to Yorubas except for DYS449 and DYS644. Conclusion: The results provided further genotyping data of Y-STRs in Fulanis and Yorubas. Furthermore, the observed lower genetic diversity amongst Fulanis compared to Yorubas is possibly due to customs-prevalent marriages between immediate cousins amongst Fulanis. In contrast, Yoruba customs do not permit marriages between immediate cousins.
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