Oral Health Effect of High Dose Vitamin C in the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Review
Vitamin C, high dose, oral health, Covid-19Abstract
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbate) supplementation is believed by many to cure a common cold and flu. They are ubiquitous, and involved in a variety of biological activities include cell oxidation, hydroxylation reactions, and collagen formation. During the new coronavirus outbreak, vitamin C was taken as a preventative or therapeutic drug for coronavirus-19's (COVID-19) critical phase. In patients with severe COVID-19, high dosages of vitamin C have been shown to decrease endothelin-1 and interleukin-6 mediators. Given the fact that vitamin C is both safe and inexpensive, the use of a low to high dose of vitamin C as a preventative measure has grown in popularity. However, according to a previous report, consuming vitamin C on a daily basis causes considerable tooth surface loss. Their findings demonstrate how uncontrolled tooth erosion can have negative consequences for the dental and stomatognathic systems. The usage of vitamin C and its impact on oral health during pandemic COVID-19 infection are discussed in this review. While vitamin C supplementation may have promise as a treatment or preventive agent for COVID-19, it may have a number of detrimental consequences for oral health.
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